Sunday, January 28, 2007

Phone for Olandra!

I had the above person in mind while doing this. My group was initially doing about a girl who likes Hello Kitty and is basically an "Ah Lian" who frequents Orchard Road. I decided to add lots of twist to the profile and out comes Olandra!

Olandra Tan, 21 years old, singer/entertainer at Modestro Pub

Olandra Tan graduated from Institute of Technical Education College Central with a NITEC in Service Skills (Retail) 2 years ago and is now working as a full time singer in Modestro Pub. The regulars in the pub would know her as the tall and pretty red haired lady with an angelic voice.

She is a single child who lives with her mother and grandmother in a 3 room HBD flat in Woodlands. Her parents divorced when she was 15 and since then her interests in studies had dropped and would skip school to sing KTV with her friends.

Olandra was once a rebel with a fierce personality. She would argue over the slightest things and had been involved in fights which resulted from staring incidents. But on the inside she was a lonely soul, yearning for attention from her peers and her father. Before the divorce, her father doted on her very much and had encouraged her to be a singer. But during the divorce, her father lost custody and would only be allowed to see her once a week. Olandra’s mother is strongly against her to sing and wanted her to pursue a proper education. As an act of rebellion, Olandra deliberately failed her N levels to disappoint her mother.

Yet the turning point came when 4 years ago her father passed away. Deeply grieved, she vowed to respect her father’s wish to become an aspiring singer one day. In ITE, she was no longer the teenage delinquent, but a keen learner. Her modules had taught her how to groom herself to look professional and to speak proper English and Mandarin. She worked hard and became one of the best students in her course.

Just before graduation, she and her friends went to Modestro Pub to chill out. There was a singing session where anyone in the audience could choose a song and sing with the complement of the live band. Olandra took up the microphone and began to sing, and impressed the audiences. The manager was also very impressed and requested Olandra to be a regular singer and entertainer for his pub. From then on, Olandra’s performance became a regular hit in the pub.

Olandra now exhumes flair of confidence and eloquence. Expatriates in the pub have been coming regularly just to see her sing. After performances she would often come down and chat with them with her eloquent English. There were nights where her performances were so well received that she received tips that amounted more than her regular monthly salary. But Olandra aspires to sing on a bigger stage one day, thus she has been preparing for the next Singapore Idol competition. She idolized a Taiwanese singer called Zhang Hui Mei (A-mei), as this popular singer also started out singing from a pub.

On her off days, Olandra would enjoy shopping with her friends. Pink is her favorite colour and would often be spotted in pink overalls. Her favorite hairstylist is Reds Hair Salon and she chose to dye her hair red simply because of her liking for the salon. She still enjoys a good karaoke session with her friends and would pick up songs from her idol A-mei.

Olandra likes to swim to keep herself in shape. Swimming would also remind her of her late father where he would often bring her to the neighborhood swimming complex and taught her how to swim. Also interestingly it was her father who taught her how to hold her breath and he believed it was one method to improve her singing technique. Olandra would sometimes shed a tear or two as she missed her father a lot, but she would often keep a smile and told herself that she did what she could to make her father proud.

Olandra is currently single even though she has lots of suitors who are regulars in the pub. She treats her work professionally and the most she would do in pub would be to have social conversations with the patrons. She would reject any advances made towards her and would turn down monetary offers in exchange for an indecent proposal. Olandra’s relationship with her mother has improved as she has learnt to be forgiving and understanding and cherishes what she has around her. Her mother also has accepted Olandra as an accomplished singer and hopes to see her making it big in the entertainment scene one day.

Four Pleasure Analysis of Olandra


  • Olandra swims regularly and is a good way of keeping herself in shape. She does not want to have broad shoulders though thus she doesn’t swim too intensively.
  • As a performer she is particular about her overall appearance and spends time and money on her hair. She would choose clothes and accessories which would be aesthetically pleasing to the patrons in the pub. She believes in looking professional even while singing, she would not choose clothes which are too revealing, but rather make her look elegant and sophisticated- Need Pleasure
  • But off work, anything goes. She likes pink very much and would believes that pink clothes are forms of escapism to a lost teenage year, where it would have been better and more carefree.
  • She would probably like a good session of spa to relax and find inspiration in her singing. - Appreciation Pleasure


  • She would like to spend time with her mother and grandmother during her off-days, as they are the only family that she has now. - Needs Pleasure
  • As her work is at night, she seldom has time for her friends who would be working while she rests at home. Her social circle would probably be limited to the live band members and staffs in Modestro. As such she feels that the band is like a second family and would do all sorts of activities together. - Needs Pleasure
  • She would probably receive lots of contacts from her patrons, but the relationship is mostly kept as acquaintances. She does however likes the attention given upon her singing. - Appreciation Pleasure


  • She likes reading entertainment magazines to keep herself updated of the entertainment scene. A sense of satisfaction would be derived when she knows she has the best info among her peers - Appreciation Pleasure
  • She likes surfing the web, emails and online chats and see if anyone talks about her or would want to talk to her. From online sources she would also know how popular her pub is - Appreciation Pleasure
  • She would tape down episodes of American Idol and list down what the judges say about the contestants. She practices very hard to be the next Singapore Idol or Project Superstar. - Can be both needs and appreciation pleasure


  • Olandra is not exactly an ambitious by nature, but she is driven by her love for her late father and would excel to make her father look proud.
  • She hopes to find a husband that would be as good as her father. But so far most of her suitors are superficial according to her.
  • Coming from a background where once she felt lonely and uncertain, she believes in helping out her friends whenever she can, to overcome fears and loneliness in life.

Based on the above information, I would propose the product specifications for Olandra’s handphone:


  • Chic and elegant, just the right size for her hand.
  • Pink cover as she loves pink and looking at pink soothes her mind.
  • Buttons can be easily pressed and illuminated as she works late into the night and might feel tired. Also to enable her to dial for a cab fast.
  • Phone which fits snugly into her purse or bag.


  • Good calendar function to keep her appointments, rehearsals and performances in schedule.
  • At least 2.5 or 3G technology so that she can surf for entertainment news.
  • At least 2.0 megapixel camera to take photos after performance sessions.
  • Lots of internal memory space as she needs to keep lots of contacts and photos in her phone and would prefer to have a lag free phone.
  • Up to 6 hours of battery life so that she will not miss an important call.
  • Phone lock function as the place she works at would have lots of strangers coming in and out, and would not want anyone to look into her private messages.

The LG KG800 Pink Chocolate phone would probably be the closest specs.


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